Update Long Over Due

Hello all!! I have not been keeping up with this section so I thought it was high time to write an update!

Dead Man Walking with the Lyric Opera of Kansas City was an amazing and educational experience for me. Being able to watch and observe professionals rehearse and perform was a great opportunity to learn and grow as a musician and performer myself!

Furthermore, rehearsals for Pirates of Penzance with the Lyric Opera of Kansas City have started and are going extremely well! I'm grateful for the opportunity to perform at the Kauffman Center one last time before I head off to graduate school. The performances are April 22nd, 26th and 28th at 7:30 and April 29th and 30th at 2:00!

You can purchase tickets for Pirates of Penzance at:  https://www.kcopera.org/tickets/

This leads me into the biggest announcement, I have been offered and will accept an offer from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro including a Graduate Assistantship in the Voice Area! I am very excited to start this next chapter in my career and education! I am so very thankful for the support and love I have received through this whole process of grad school hunting!!

Here's to new beginnings and exciting opportunities!